
The NSNU believes that educating and informing our members is the best way to defend working conditions, enhance members’ understanding of their rights at work and develop leadership skills.

The education committee is committed to delivering quality education sessions to NSNU members. In all its education and communications programs, the Union strives to listen as well as to speak. In this spirit, members are always welcome to direct ideas or suggestions to [at]

Some educational opportunities include:

  • Local Workshops can be requested at anytime on various topics such as how to run an effective Local, labour history, or how social media can influence your nursing license. If your Local would like to have an education session presented at your next Local meeting, please contact Chad O'Brien, Education and Technology Officer. 
  • Annual Meeting Education Day is an education event held yearly at the NSNU AGM. The topics and style of this education day vary (large session with single speaker to a mini-labour school setting, etc.) and topics include leadership, labour history, addictions in the workplace or the grievance and arbitration process. 
  • Eastern Labour School is a biennial educational event hosted by NBNU, NSNU, PEINU or RNUNL on a rotational basis. Nurses from all four provincial unions join together for two days of education sessions on various topics. 
  • CFNU Education Days are held at the biennial CFNU convention. These education sessions cover a variety of topics and are presented by union staff from all the attending member organizations, as well as special guest educators. 

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress