Charitable Contributions

The Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union’s social responsibility is to support local, non-profit community organizations and individuals by providing financial and material contributions, in-kind services, and volunteer support. In adhering to our organizational mission – A Commitment to Care - we strengthen our bond with external communities as well as our collective nursing and health care stakeholders.

We are proud to support the Transition House Association of Nova Scotia, Marguerite Centre, Hope Project, the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Solidarity Fund, Nova Scotia Pride groups, and sponsor children in impoverished communities in Africa, among others.

The NSNU Charitable Policy ensures that all NSNU donations, sponsorships, volunteer activities, and in-kind services are coordinated and aligned with our organizational and social responsibility goals, maximize opportunity for organizational visibility, foster long-term institutional relationships, and are within our budget and resource limitations.

This policy eliminates duplication, provides clarity for all parties and establishes a central point of contact for requests. All organizational expenditures for charitable donations, sponsorships, fundraising events, recognition dinners, ad placement, etc., will be handled accordingly:

  • All incoming and outgoing requests for charitable contributions/sponsorships, in-kind services or support, and/or volunteer support will be coordinated and administered by the Communications Officer
  • Requests from NSNU Board members, staff and/or family members of either staff or Board members will not be entertained unless the request aligns with our organizational goals, and is not deemed a conflict of interest.
  • Incoming or outgoing requests for sponsorships, charitable donations, volunteers, in-kind services, gifts or give-aways, must be made in writing and forwarded to Communications for research, review and final disposition approximately six-months in advance. This advanced notice is required for planning and budgeting purposes and Board consideration, when required. The Communications Officer will then coordinate communications with agencies/non-profits organizations and individuals regarding all requests as well as any follow-up documentation, and/or collateral activities such as ads, tickets, invitations, banners, etc.
  • All requests for financial support require approval from the Board of the Directors of the NSNU or a designated officer of the Board. At the Board of Directors’ discretion, the NSNU may choose to decline or support financial requests.

The following guidelines will be used in reviewing requests for charitable contributions and sponsorships and company volunteer initiatives:

  • The major focus of our contributions will be health-related causes, nursing, and support for other organizational priorities.
  • The NSNU will consider requests to support social, community, civic, educational, diversity, and economic endeavors if these support NSNU organizational goals and meet contribution guidelines.
  • The NSNU will not support organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability with respect to employment, volunteer participation, or the provision of services.
  • Contributions will be made only to the qualifying non-profit agency. Contributions will not be made to organizations conducting fundraising (third-party giving) on behalf of non-profit agencies.
  • Requests from religious organizations for sectarian purposes will not be considered; however, a community program sponsored by a religious organization may be considered.
  • Requests from all local, regional, and/or school-based sports teams will not be considered. 
  • Requests from educational facilities (public or private) will not be considered unless the request includes the promotion of nursing/health care or it pertains to new and innovative programs specifically designed to address nursing, health and wellness.
  • Requests that solicit financial support for individuals, political candidates, and political campaigns, or entities that are not non-profit organizations, will not be considered.

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress