Safe Staffing & Clinical Capacity

Nurses in Nova Scotia and across the country have become increasingly concerned with workload issues that make it very difficult to provide safe, ethical and quality nursing care. Nurses’ professional standards require them to report professional practice concerns to the employer and attempt to resolve them. Nurses often face workload assignments that are excessive, at times to the point where it is impossible to provide the quality of care required of them. The response to nurses’ concerns has too often been, “do the best that you can” or simply “there’s no more staff”.

In 2013, the NSNU and employers developed a new process to address issues in the workplace based on a model used successfully by other provincial nurse union counterparts within the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU). The procedure recognizes that nurses need a means whereby they can exercise their professional judgment in assessing their workload and have any clinical capacity concerns addressed.

If you have a concern which you feel should be addressed via the NSNU Clinical Capacity Report, contact your Local president or shop steward.

You can also contact the NSNU office at 1-800-469-1474 and speak to your Labour Relations Representative. 

Clinical Capacity Reports

If you have a Clinical Capacity concern that you would like to report, please complete the online CCR form at the top of the Members Only page. You must log in to view this page. 

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress